What We Offer | Unique Kids Preschool, Inc

What We Offer

  • Free VPK from 8:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. and 1:15 p.m. – 4:15 p.m.
  • 10% off tuition for parents enrolled in school full-time. A schedule must be provided.

Unique Kids Preschool, IncIf you are a parent in school full-time and receive childcare assistance through ELC / Family Central or private paying, you will continue to receive your discount for as long as you’re in school full-time and pass your classes each semester. You are welcome to register your little one(s) to start today or to secure your spot for the fall, pay the registration fee and complete our registration packet. Give us a call and ask for Shannette or Sharon and mention the keyword FALL2016. Don’t wait till it’s too late spots will fill up fast.

See you soon…